Elect Democratic Women Endorses Sabina Matos in the Special Election for Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional District

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Elect Democratic Women (EDW), the member-led committee dedicated to electing more Democratic women to Congress, announced its endorsement of Sabina Matos in the special election for Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional District.

The Elect Democratic Women board is proud to endorse Sabina Matos for Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional District. Sabina has been an active member in her community, leading with passion, determination, and empathy. At a time when anti-choice Republicans are repeatedly attacking women’s rights, Sabina has been at the forefront of protecting a woman’s right to reproductive freedom,” said Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL), chair of Elect Democratic Women. “During her 10 years on the Providence City Council and now as the Lieutenant Governor, she has worked to break down barriers facing Rhode Islanders by advocating for affordable housing, strong gun safety laws, and expanded voting rights. It is clear that she is the right voice for Rhode Island to meet this moment and will make a great Congresswoman.” 

“I am honored to have the endorsement of Elect Democratic Women. With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and the constant dismantling of women’s reproductive rights across the country, we need leaders in Congress who are going to fight for women and protect their right to reproductive freedom. I would be proud to stand alongside the members of Elect Democratic Women in Congress to ensure that our rights are protected and I am grateful for their support,” said Sabina Matos


Elect Democratic Women was formed in 2018 by Democratic members of Congress with the purpose of electing more pro-choice Democratic women to Congress and higher office. We believe that democracy is best served by a diverse Congress that reflects the people they represent. 

The Executive Board is made up of six sitting members of Congress: Chair Lois Frankel, Rep. Joyce Beatty, Rep. Julia Brownley, Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, Rep. Annie Kuster, and Rep. Norma Torres.