Elect Democratic Women’s Sister PAC Pro-Choice Women Announces Independent Expenditure Investment in CO-08

WASHINGTON, DC –– Today, Elect Democratic Women (EDW) announced an Independent Expenditure from their sister PAC Pro-Choice Women in CO-08, the seat currently held by Frontline Member Rep. Yadira Caraveo. The group is investing $450,000 in both Spanish and English language digital ads that will run from today, Wednesday, September 25th through election day. 

The digital ads run by Pro-Choice Women’s Independent Expenditure arm will highlight Gabe Evans’ extreme position on abortion. The first ad titled “That Feeling” will run in English and Spanish and hits Evans for supporting abortion bans and for celebrating the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

“Protecting members like Yadira Caraveo is crucial to ensuring that Democrats flip the House and protect women’s reproductive freedom,” said Elect Democratic Women Chair, Rep. Lois Frankel. “Yadira has worked tirelessly to defend the right of women, not politicians, to make their own personal health care decisions and she has been a champion for policies that uplift women and families. We cannot allow Republican Gabe Evans, who celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade, to win this November. Elect Democratic Women is proud to support Rep. Caraveo’s campaign for Colorado’s 8th District.”

Script: “That Feeling”

Ever have that feeling that you’re being watched?

Well in Gave Evans’ Colorado, you could be. 

Evans supports Trump who has a plan to let the government monitor women’s pregnancies. 

And just like Lauren Boebert, Evans supports banning abortion. Even here in Colorado.

Gabe Evans even cheered when Roe v. Wade was struck down. 

So the next time you feel like someone’s watching you, it’s probably a politician like Gabe Evans, Lauren Boebert, or Donald Trump.

We need to keep Gabe Evans out of Congress and out of our business.


Elect Democratic Women was formed in 2018 by Democratic members of Congress with the purpose of electing more pro-choice Democratic women to Congress and higher office. We believe that democracy is best served by a diverse Congress that reflects the people they represent. 

The Executive Board is made up of six sitting members of Congress: Chair Lois Frankel, Rep. Joyce Beatty, Rep. Julia Brownley, Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, Rep. Annie Kuster, and Rep. Norma Torres.